5 secrets to a good night's sleep
5 secrets to a good night's sleep
By Aylin Barquera (article columnist) (extra guideline)
If you’re feeling restless, but you also long to sleep and you just can’t seem to get down to it. Here are some good sleeping secrets, to help you get a good night sleep and feel super fresh in the morning.
Do exercise during the day so you can release all the anxiety and extra energy and during the night you will feel pleasant to go to sleep.
Manage your sleeping cycles so that even if you don’t sleep the whole eight hours, you don’t feel tired the morning after.
From: https://img-va.myshopline.com/image/store/1707838707632/sleep-cycle-round-1-480x480.png?w=480&h=480
Don’t eat sweets or carbs before bed, this can cause you to have nightmares and you won't enjoy your sleep.
From: https://www.atkins.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/donuts.jpg
Avoid caffeine before bed because this will trigger your energy during the night but won't be as effective in the morning.
From: https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ8ELr-pgdufTcrCm1Z5oObaSbzv057uzZbIQ&s
De-stress about your day, because no matter how bad the situation is, it doesn't deserve your precious sleeping schedule.
From: https://news.northeastern.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/reducestress1400.jpg
If you keep these rewarding secrets in mind, it will help you to get a good night's sleep and be more productive during the day.
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APA References:
Harvard Health. (2023). 8 secrets to a good night’s sleep. Harvard University. https://www.health.harvard.edu/newsletter_article/8-secrets-to-a-good-nights-sleep
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