Tips to maintain a good mental health during hard times
By Eileen Guevara
Sometimes when life gets hard we can fall into bad habits that can affect our mental health so here are some tips that might not be the solution to your problems but can help you through the process.
- Reach out for help: it's good to feel independent but it's never wrong to ask for help or for a talk with someone you can receive a piece of good advice or simply have a moment of relaxation with that person, which can change your entire day.
- Practice meditation: it improves emotional regulation and self-awareness, allowing for better management of stress reactions. Additionally, it reduces overthinking, improves sleep quality, increases endorphin production, and develops a more positive outlook. These combined effects strengthen concentration and mental clarity, enabling more effective and less stressful problem-solving.
- Be active during the day: it's important to keep ourselves active when we are having hard times, exercise releases endorphins, which are chemicals in the brain that elevate mood and act as natural painkillers. Additionally, it lowers stress hormone levels such as cortisol and adrenaline, promoting a sense of relaxation and well-being. But the best part is that almost any form of exercise can help, just for 20 to 30 minutes daily. For example, include walking, stair climbing, jogging, dancing, bicycling, yoga, tai chi, gardening, weightlifting and swimming.
- Take a break: it's essential to learn our limits but it's important to never give up. Taking a break allows your mind and body to rest and recharge. Short breaks during work or stressful activities allow you to step back, relax, and gain perspective, which can enhance your focus and productivity when you return. Breaks also help prevent burnout by reducing the continuous strain on your cognitive and physical resources.
- Have a good sleep: A good sleep relies on the rest quality and restorative nature of the rest. Good sleep involves uninterrupted and sufficient time in each sleep stage. To achieve deep sleep, you can establish a regular sleep routine, create a suitable rest environment by keeping the room dark, quiet, and cool, avoid screens and caffeine before bedtime, and practice relaxation techniques such as meditation or deep breathing before going to bed.
- Set a part-time for your hobbies: do activities you enjoy, whether it's reading, cooking, painting, or any other hobby. These activities provide a sense of pleasure, fulfillment, and relaxation, which can help reduce stress, improve mood, and increase overall happiness. Additionally, pursuing hobbies allows you to express creativity, stimulate your mind, and maintain a healthy work-life balance. By incorporating enjoyable activities into your routine, you promote self-care and enhance your quality of life.
- As simply as it sounds laugh: "Laughter has been referred to as ‘internal jogging’ by Dr. William Fry, and may provide a source of healing. It reduces stress hormones and becomes an expression of joy, optimism, and hope," Watching a series or a movie that makes you laugh can give you a moment of joy that can change your day.
- Use positive self-talk: Use phrases like you can do it, remember why you are doing it, never give up or u are capable of everything. "When you’re self-critical, that automatically activates the stress response. If you give yourself praise and support, it helps reduce stress." Dr. Ramchandani says.
You may be interested in: Martín Seligman: Psychologist
Word count:513
Godman, H. (2022, March 1). Top ways to reduce daily stress. Harvard Health.
Amplify Community Resources. (2024, May 9). Resources - Amplify community resources.|Google|||&gclsrc=aw.ds&&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=text&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwyJqzBhBaEiwAWDRJVJAGjms2lyk_E8vBKArvIwJKpz1OajrYhpCxZ4ZG_bZ5nGKXDHMs5xoCb5gQAvD_BwE
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